Certified Cybersecurity Risk and Strategy Professional (CCRSP)

Length: 2 Days

The Certified Cybersecurity Risk and Strategy Professional (CCRSP) program is designed to equip professionals with the advanced knowledge and skills necessary to develop, implement, and lead comprehensive cybersecurity strategies for organizations. This program covers critical areas including AI in cybersecurity, national security, critical infrastructure protection, information privacy law, cybercrime, network security, and cybersecurity regulation and governance. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, participants will learn to navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape, manage risks, and lead cybersecurity initiatives effectively.

Target Audience:

  • Cybersecurity Professionals: Seeking to advance their knowledge and take on leadership roles.
  •  IT Managers and Consultants: Looking to specialize in cybersecurity risk management and strategy.
  • Policy Makers and Legal Professionals: Interested in understanding cybersecurity implications on national security, privacy law, and regulation.
  • Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs: Needing a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity to protect their ventures.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the CCRSP program, graduates will be able to:

  • Design and implement effective cybersecurity strategies tailored to organizational needs.
  • Lead cybersecurity teams and initiatives with a strong ethical foundation.
  • Navigate and comply with complex information privacy laws and cybersecurity regulations.
  • Effectively manage cybersecurity risks and respond to cyber incidents.
  • Communicate cybersecurity strategies and risks to stakeholders at all levels.
  • Understand the Role of AI in cybersecurity defenses and threats, including ethical and privacy considerations.
  • Analyze Cyber Threats to national security and critical infrastructure, and develop protection strategies.
  • Navigate Information Privacy Laws and compliance requirements affecting cybersecurity strategies.
  • Investigate Cybercrimes using digital forensics and develop response strategies.
  • Secure Networks against advanced cyber threats through hands-on practice.
  • Implement Cybersecurity Regulations and governance models within an organization.
  • Develop Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategies for risk management, including business continuity and disaster recovery planning.
  • Lead Cybersecurity Initiatives with a strong understanding of leadership roles and ethical considerations.
  • Understand Threat Modeling: Grasp the basic principles and importance of threat modeling in cybersecurity.
  • Learn STRIDE: Master the STRIDE methodology to identify security threats and develop mitigation strategies.
  • Apply PASTA: Gain skills in applying the PASTA (Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis) approach to analyze and prioritize threats.
  • Utilize MITRE ATT&CK: Explore the MITRE ATT&CK framework for understanding tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by adversaries.
  • Implement SPARTA, ATLAS and TARA: Learn about SPARTA (Space Attack Research and Tactic Analysis) for space-cybersecurity threat analysis.
  • Develop Comprehensive Threat Models: Combine various methodologies to create thorough threat models for different cybersecurity scenarios.


  • A basic understanding of IT and cybersecurity concepts.
  • Professional experience in IT, cybersecurity, or related fields is highly recommended.

Program Modules:

Module 1: Foundations of Cybersecurity

  • Overview of cybersecurity principles.
  • Key cybersecurity technologies and practices.
  • The evolving cybersecurity landscape.

Module 2: AI in Cybersecurity

  • Use of AI and machine learning in cybersecurity defenses and threats.
  • Ethical and privacy considerations of AI in cybersecurity.
  • Case studies of AI applications in cybersecurity.

Module 3: National Security and Cybersecurity

  • The role of cybersecurity in national security.
  • Cyber threats to national infrastructure.
  • Strategies for protecting national assets.

Module 4: Protecting Critical Infrastructure

  • Overview of critical infrastructure sectors.
  • Risks and vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures to cyber threats.
  • Frameworks and strategies for securing critical infrastructure.

Module 5: Information Privacy Law

  • Key concepts in information privacy law.
  • Global privacy laws and regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).
  • Compliance and the impact of privacy laws on cybersecurity strategies.

Module 6: Cybercrime and Digital Forensics

  • Understanding cybercrime: Types, tactics, and motivations.
  • Introduction to digital forensics.
  • Responding to and investigating cybercrimes.

Module 7: Network Security

  • Fundamentals of network security.
  • Advanced network defense strategies.
  • Practical exercises in securing networks against attacks.

Module 8: Cybersecurity Regulation and Governance

  • Overview of cybersecurity regulations and standards (e.g., NIST, ISO).
  • Governance models for cybersecurity within organizations.
  • Developing and implementing cybersecurity policies.

Module 9: Cybersecurity Strategy and Risk Management

  • Developing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.
  • Cyber risk assessment and management methodologies.
  • Business continuity and disaster recovery planning.

Module 10: Cybersecurity Leadership and Ethics

  • The role of leadership in cybersecurity.
  • Ethical considerations in cybersecurity.
  • Building and leading cybersecurity teams.

Module 11: Introduction to Threat Modeling

  • Definition and objectives of threat modeling.
  • Overview of different threat modeling methodologies.
  • STRIDE Methodology
  • Detailed exploration of STRIDE (Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, Elevation of Privilege).
  • Practical exercises in applying STRIDE to various scenarios.
  • PASTA Process
  • Introduction to the PASTA methodology and its seven stages.
  • Case studies and simulation exercises to practice PASTA.
  • MITRE ATT&CK Framework
  • Overview of the MITRE ATT&CK framework and its applications in cybersecurity.
  • Analyzing real cyber attack scenarios using MITRE ATT&CK.
  • SPARTA in Space-Cybersecurity
  • Introduction to the SPARTA framework, specifically designed for analyzing threats in the space sector.
  • Application of SPARTA to space systems and understanding the unique challenges of space-cybersecurity.
  • Integrating Threat Modeling into Cybersecurity Strategy
  • Strategies for incorporating threat modeling into an organization’s overall cybersecurity plan.
  • Aligning threat modeling outcomes with risk management and incident response plans.
  • Overview of MITRE ATLAS Framework
  • Introduction to MITRE ATLAS, its purpose, and how it complements the MITRE ATT&CK framework by focusing on network defense.
  • Understanding the components of ATLAS and how it maps adversary behaviors to specific defensive tactics and techniques.
  • Applying MITRE ATLAS in Cybersecurity Defense
  • Detailed guidance on using ATLAS to identify and mitigate cyber threats in real-time.
  • Strategies for integrating ATLAS into existing cybersecurity frameworks and incident response plans.
  • MITRE ATLAS Case Studies
  • Examination of real-world scenarios where ATLAS has been successfully implemented to thwart cyber attacks.
  • Introduction to the TARA Framework
  • Overview of the TARA methodology, its origins, and its place within the broader context of cybersecurity risk management.
  • Understanding the TARA process: from identification of critical assets and threat agents to vulnerability assessment and impact analysis.
  • Implementing TARA in Cybersecurity Practices
  • Step-by-step guidance on conducting a TARA analysis, including tools and techniques for each phase of the process.
  • How to integrate TARA findings into cybersecurity strategy and incident response planning.
  • TARA Case Studies and Practical Exercises
  • Analyzing case studies where the TARA methodology has been applied to address specific cybersecurity challenges.
  • Hands-on exercises for participants to practice conducting TARA assessments, identifying vulnerabilities, and prioritizing remediation efforts based on real or simulated environments.


A blend of lectures, workshops, hands-on labs, guest speaker sessions, and case study analyses.


A combination of quizzes, assignments, lab exercises, and the capstone project.


Upon successful completion, participants would receive the Certified Cybersecurity Risk and Strategy Professional (CCRSP) certification.

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